This is one of my favourite places in Paris. Montmarte was a village many years ago but has managed to keep its village atmosphere.
Why do greengrocers always look nicer in another country?
Montmarte's beautiful Metro station.
Nearby is this wall plaque which I believe features translations of 'I Love You' in most of the world's languages.
At the top of a long flight of stairs leading up to the station is this lovely café which has a fox embracing a deer on its wall.
I have no idea why this gentleman was standing on a bin doing something with a sign. I was afraid to speak to him in case he fell off the bin.
Three beautiful Montmarte restaurants.
All round this area you will be accosted by pavement artists dying to capture your image.
Irish pub with Sacre Cour in the background.
More images of Sacre Cour.
Unfortunately, an ever-present feature of Paris these days is heavily-armed soldiers guarding visitor attractions.
View from the bottom of Sacre Cour overlooking Paris.
Tourists had just left this retro motorcycle tour to visit Sacre Cour.
If you want to visit Sacre Cour this is where you can exercise your legs on the way up.
But you can visit this lovely restaurant on the way back down the hill.